Forget everything you think you know about being human.
Your limitations? Imaginary.
Your potential? Infinite.
Your role in the universe is far greater than you ever thought or dared to dream.
This isn’t motivational pseudoscience or vague spiritualism. It’s an evolutionary wake-up call to shatter the illusion of ordinaryexistence.
Beyond space and time, a cosmic memory resonates, urging us to remember what humanity has whispered through our myths and inscribed in the stars: the truth of our existence and the power of our collective human story.
We have fulfilled the hero’s journey, revealing the real path we have been on all along—The Healer’s Journey.
You were meant for something more; that’s not imagination.
That’s our destiny.
Wake up. Arise. Remember!
Hart Steen
Yourself Remembered
Sound impossible?
That's the conditioned mind talking, shaped by a collective reality clinging to old narratives. It’s time for an update!
Start With a Free Course
The Divine Introduction
Now is the time foretold through the ages: the veil is lifting, awareness is shifting, and the unlocking of sacred power within our DNA has begun. This universal shift isn't happening to you but through you. We are the protagonists in the greatest story ever told:
The conscious evolution of our species.
of Research
Areas of Study
yrs in the making
— How It Works
Your Path To Transformation
This work will directly challenge your reality, helping you to heal your deepest fears and embrace your wildest dreams.
Hart’s presentation on “The Healer’s Journey,” will outline humanity’s spiritual evolution and offer groundbreaking insights into our shared history. This session is designed to help us all understand and engage with the universal human story unfolding across time and discover how we can each contribute to it now.
Virtual Event Details: Date: November 12, 2024, at 6 PM MST Format: Virtual-only event, includes a 1-year on-demand replay Audience: Limited to 500 participants Duration: Each session lasts between 45 min and 1.5 hrs